Juta will control the smartphone - Markebd.Top


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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Juta will control the smartphone

Juta will control the smartphone
Juta will control the smartphone

In our daily life, everything seems to be useless except smartphones. What if you can control your shoes with a smartphone? Yes, the world-famous sportswear brand Nike has made this impossible possible this time. Nike has come up with a new smartphone with smartphone control.

These new shoes have laces, but you don't have to wear them anymore. These Nike smart shoes will adapt to you and the position of your feet. That is, when opening, it is the same, again walking or just sitting, the shoelaces will change themselves by understanding the position.

This sports shoe is self-lacing. In the language of technology, it is called 'power laces'. By pressing the button on the smartphone in your hand, the shoelace can be untied, tightened or fitted in an instant. The shoe is designed primarily for basketball players. Not just basketball, but various other players are also being considered now.


There will also be programming on how the shoes will fit when walking, playing or running. According to Nike, their shoe is chargeable. There will be one recharging mat for each pair, which will be available for free with the shoes.

Nike's new self-lacing shoes will initially be sold in the US. The price is 350 US dollars, which is about 30 thousand rupees in Bangladesh. It could hit the world market in February.


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